Koh Sichang

It's close to new year now. We have been working tirelessly the entire year, so going to slow life somewhere seems like a good idea. While working, I try to think where I should travel to relax. I was looking for somewhere near Bangkok, easy to go and not so crowded.

I like to go places where not so many people are going, haha. Now, it's the winter, many people are going for mountains and the sea mist, I want to do just the opposite, haha. From my navy experiences, I've seen so many sea and know that now the sea at Gulf of Thailand is especially clear during the winter. It has no wave and stays very still. So then, immediately I open the map and internet to see the closest island to Bangkok, which is...

Koh Sichang

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Koh Sichang

I've been here once when I was a child. I went with my family and wanted to go back again. Ok, now we have 3 days off, it's just perfect. Packing the bag and let's go!

The van to Sriracha at the Victory Monument

The Inside of the Van Station at the Victory Monument

We start at the Victory Monument where it is the hub for vans going to different places. I look around for a while before I find this van at the Din Daeng side, on the way to the BTS Victory Monument. It is located right at the 7-11. The van to Sriracha starts at 5 a.m.

I buy the ticket to Sriracha. The van can bring us to the Koh Loy where we need to take the ferry. But don't forget to tell the driver that you want to get off at Koh Loy. This is the van of Muang Tha Maha Nakhon. I often use its service ever since I'm in navy. It goes straight to our destination without stopping to pick up more passengers along the way. It is very fast and waste less time.

The ticket booth to Sriracha

This is the ticket to Sriracha.

Let's o...

After having the ticket, we just wait for the van to come. When the staff call for our van, we need to hurry go up so that we can have the comfy seat. Let's go now to Koh Sichang. It takes about one and a half hour from Bangkok to Sriracha. The van will go onto the motorway and straight to Sriracha without making stop along the way.

We can tell the driver to take us to Koh Loy or Robinson Sriracha and then taking Tuk Tuk further.

Koh Loy, Sriracha

Once I reach Koh Loy, I look for the pier going to Koh Sichang. I see Koh Loy Temple, I really want to pay respect and make some merit. But let's wait to do it at the return trip. Now I want to go to island more, hehe.

The Ferry to Koh Sichang

There's ferry to Koh Sichang at the piers. The ferry to Koh Sichang is a two story boat. Boats from many companies are available. The ticket booth is right at where you will get on the ferry. The ticket is 50 THB each.

Ticket Booth to Koh Sichang

The Ticket to Koh Sichang

After getting the ticket, now it's time to find the seat. I'm one of the very first people to arrive so I can choose wherever I want to sit. I choose the second floor so that I can fully feel the wind.

This is the timetable to Koh Sichang.

Timetable to Koh Sichang

There's a daily ferry from Sriracha (Koh Loy Pier) to Koh Sichang (Tewawong Pier). It runs from 6.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m. It is about 45 minutes ride.

For more information, you can call Sichang Palace Ferry at 038 216 276-82 or

Saeng Prateep Service Ferry at 038 313 687

I fully enjoy the view along the way for this 45 minutes and then we arrive Koh Sichang, the closest island to Bangkok. I'm so ready to explore now ^____^ Once I reach, I quickly look for the car to the hotel.

Most of people here travel by scooter as the road is quite narrow and steep, so the car is not so popular vehicle. Another popular transportation is Kapo or the tricycle.

At the pier, many services are available such as the scooters services, the scooter rental services, Kapo (tricycle), Song Taew taxi. If you need a guide, you need to go with tricycle or Song Taew as there'll be the guide who gives you knowledge about this island.

But if you want to travel on your own and have more time, scooter rental is recommended. This is all up to you. Some route on the island is quite steep, if you are not expert on driving a scooter, going with the guide is safer.

The Tricycle Tour Guide Service

Tricycle (Kapo) Koh Sichang

The Song Taew Price for going around in Koh Sichang

Song Taew Taxi for Going Around in Koh Sichang

The Scooter Rental at Koh Sichang

For me, I like adventure. So I choose to firstly go with the scooter service guy, haha. I want to go to the hotel first and see what they have to offer there. This is because when we rent a scooter with the resort, we also get special offer from the resort as well.

Scooter Service and the Rental Service

The fare of Scooter Service around the Island

After two hours traveling from Bangkok to Koh Sichang, I really want to put down my backpack and go out to explore. So, let's go to....

" Moroc Home Resort"

Moroc Home Resort

Moroc Home Resort We finally arrive here. This is the newly renovated resort, we can say that everything here is new.

The front of the Moroc Home Resort is very colorful, haha.

Now we arrive at Moroc Home Resort. It is the hipest accommodation on Koh Sichang. I'm sure this is just the perfect place for hipsters. The atmosphere is so great. The color is It just newly painted. The atmosphere around is perfect for selfie lovers.

This corner is a center. It is a place for checking in, food, information and the front office.

Food corner, looking really cool!

Moroccan Building

This building looks differently beautiful.
Haha, the color is so colorful that the selfie lover would totally love it ^__^
The resort is quite spacious. There's area for walking, relaxing and enjoy the Koh Sichang in 360 degree view.

The Rooftop of Moroc Home Resort

We can see the whole view of Koh Sichang.

After checking in, let's go to see our room.

Wow, the atmosphere is like we are in the movie, hehe. The room is very beautiful and clean.

Moroc Home Resort is decorated in Moroccan style. It is said that the room here are designed without using any poles but it can endure the earthquake with the high end architecture. Wow, I already feel so special just by listening to this. It is a very unique and new place to me because I usually stay at the similar designed accommodation. So here, it truly gives you new and unique feeling, confirm!

There's full option of facilities inside the room like TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, warm water machine, etc.

Here is a refrigerator.

Ok, enough for all this description, haha. I hope you are not bored with me yet. After unpacking stuff, let's go ask the reception about a scooter rental service. It is 300 THB/24 hrs. If we were to rent now at 10 a.m., we can return at 10 a.m. the next day. And we can return late a bit as the resort is very kind ^___^

The price is similar all over the island but we like to rent it with the resort.

So, here is our vehicle that will take us around this island.

It is the new zoomer x. It's great for up and down road riding. Here, everyone is using this zoomer x. And when returning the bike, we can ride to the pier and park there with the key on. It will not be lost because everyone on Koh Sichang lives like a family. Everyone knows everyone. Nothing get stolen and the resort will come and get the bike later. It sounds so warm. Koh Sichang is really cool for that. But for now, let's go out and explore the island!

Day 1

Cholatassathan Museum on Koh Sichang

1st Stop

Our first stop is Cholatassathan Museum. It is located inside the Chuthathut Royal Residence. It is right before we arrive at the King Rama V Palace. It is the exhibition of Water Resources Research Institute of Chulalongkorn University. It exhibits the topic of ecosystem and marine resources of Koh Sichang, for instance, stone, sand and marine ecosystem, corals, etc. It is divided into 9 zones.

Let's go!

1. Water Resources Research Institute
2. Mini Theater to introduce Koh Sichang
3. Sand and Stone Ecosystem
4. Plankton and the Importance of Marine Ecosystem
5. Aquarium
6.Touch Tank
7. Environmental Friendly Economic Animals
8. Corals

Inside the Cholatassathan Museum

Sea Turtle

Shells on Koh Sichang...

How to grow corals....

Aquarium Zone

2nd Stop

Chuthathut Royal Residence is the summer palace of King Chulalongkorn (King Rama V) and it is the only palace located on the island in Thailand. It is built for the purpose of relaxation. The name of this palace "Chuthathaut Royal Residence" is name after His Royal Highness Prince Chuthathut Dilok who was born at Koh Sichang. It is a very interesting palace.

The Entrance

Do not lift !!

Atsadang Bridge

Atsadang Bridge, Koh Sichang

As for the history, the King Chulalongkorn graciously had it built at the front of the palace. He realized that Koh Sichang has a difficult time for low tide and high tide and sometimes people are hurt by shells. Therefore, he was graciously ordered to have this bridge built and named it Atsadang Bridge. It is a large wooden pier bridge.

Koh Sichang

Important attractions in the Chuthathat Royal Residene include Atsadang Bridge, Ubosot Pagoda, Atsadang Nimit Temple, the wooden house near the sea, Wattana House, Phongsi House, Apirom House, and Manthat Rattarod Royal Residence which has been torn down in order to build the Vimanmek in Dusit Palace in Bangkok.

Wooden House near the sea

Wattana House

This is the place where you can ask for wishes to come true.

Let's pray for a wish with the King Rama V.

3rd Stop

Watching the sunset at Chong Khao Khad or Chong Itsariyaporn (Day 1). Now, it's evening and the people said that we must go enjoy the sunset, so how can we miss? haha. And of course, Chong Khao Khad is a must for this island. Let's wait no more, and go to enjoy the sunset!

Vashiravut Bridge is on the way to the viewpoint for sunset.

The waving Thai flag over the Vashiravut Bridge

We arrive just on time before the sun is set.

What a nice atmosphere here.

The sun is about to set.

This corner is also beautiful @ Koh Sichang.

Today, let's end here. We have traveled quite a bit and it's so much fun ^__^ We have seen a lot of new thing and today is only the first day, don't get bored with me yet, haha. I want to go find some delicious food and the soft bed. Just by thinking about it, I'm already so happy. So, let's scooting back now, let's go!

Moroc Home Resort at night

Moroc Home Resort has such a really nice atmosphere.

The life is colorful at Moroc Home Resort.

This is the vehicle that takes us around so I must have one of her shot, haha.

We travel a lot and it's both fun and tiring that we need some refreshment. We must have some right drinks, haha so that we can enjoy our food and sleep, hehe.

Slow sip before going to bed, hehe

Now, we are very hungry. So here we go with two delicious menus of minced pork omelet and mixed seafood Tom Yum soup. The food here is not expensive and very delicious. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. The grilled food is also available here. You must really try these two menus, the taste is quite different from other places ^__^

Mince Pork Omelet

Mixed Seafood Tom Yum Soup

Dinner @ Moroc Home Resort

Now that we are full and happy, it's time for bed, haha. Just thinking about the soft bed, I'm already very happy. Let's keep in tuned of other places we are going the next day.

Day 2

Enjoying the sunrise at Koh Sichang

I wake up around 6 a.m. because I wanted to see the sunrise in the morning with the cool breeze. Quickly, I go to the panoramic viewpoint at one of the buildings in Moroc Home Resort. That we are already here, we need to capture the most beautiful memory possible.

The weather is great and the feeling is even better.

I just realize that waking up early could give us this much of good feeling. The weather is so good that I can still remember it well now. It is so beautiful and very refreshing. You just really have to experience it yourself.

After the sunset, we go for breakfast. The resort has the option of tea, coffee, Ovaltine, Patongko and bread. Such a nice service, I just love it, haha.

Tea,coffee, Ovaltine, Patongko and bread all are available for you.

While we are waiting for breakfast, let's enjoy the Ovaltine and Patongko.

Breakfast is a rice porridge, looking very appetizing.
Ok, now that we are full, let's go out to explore ^__^

4th Stop

Chao Pho Khao Yai Temple, Koh Sichang This is one of the most sacred places of local people. It is said that Chinese sailed the goods to sell in this area and found the light on the north of the island. They found it quite amazing so they followed that light and found the cave. Inside the cave enshrined the sitting Chao Pho Khao Yai and they felt faith in this godfather and later successfully traded. Therefore, they built this temple. I also feel strong faith here so let's go up to pray and ask for some blessings ^__^

Chao Pho Khao Yai Temple

The front is the Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva

Inside the Guanyin Bodhisattva

This is the lift for those who do not want to walk up, it is so convenient.

When we walk up here, we can clearly see the view of Koh Sichang.

Let's pray and make some merits ^__^

The monkey king, Sun Wukong

To solve the bad-luck year

Chao Pho Khao Yai inside the cave

Inside the Chao Pho Khao Yai Temple

5th Stop

The Buddha Footprint or the King Chulalongkorn Mountain The footprint of the Buddha at Koh Sichang is enshrined at the King Chulalongkorn mountain. It is the imprint of the Gautama Buddha's foot that King Chulalongkorn has graciously enshrined at this mountain.

The Buddha Footprint at Koh Sichang

The footprint of the Buddha

Here you can see the rock are piling up, it is a personal belief.

History Inscription

We can come here for praying and blessings. There's also a viewpoint of Koh Sichang at the top of this mountain. We can see the 360 degree view and both side sea view of Koh Sichang. Let's go see of how beautiful it is.

We can see two sides of the Koh Sichang view from up here.

At this corner, we can see the Koh Sichang community.

For how to get up here at the footprint of the Buddha or the King Chulalongkorn Mountain, we can get up here by walking from Chao Pho Khao Yai Temple. Walking on foot is not recommended for those who are unhealthy. Another mode of transportation is taking the car like the tricycle, Song Taew or scooter service. We have to be careful when scooting up as the road is quite steep.

6th Stop

Wat Thum Chakkapong or the Yellow Buddha It is the temple located on the hill. It looks like a forest temple. It enshrines a huge statue of the Meditation Buddha called "Yellow Buddha" which we can see from afar or from the boat.

The Yellow Buddha

The Yellow Buddha at Koh Sichang

There's a small cave in which the King Rama V used to visit and gave the name inside the temple. It enshrines the Reclining Buddha that we can pray and ask for blessings.

Let's pray and ask the blessings from the King Rama V.

The entrance to Chakkapong cave

There's a light hole inside the cave.

The exit of the cave is located at the below.

Luang Pho To at Chakkapong Cave

7th Stop

Pareehut Resort, Koh Sichang Pareehut Resort is an accommodation located on the cliff. The outstanding feature of this resort is that it is built from natural materials like bamboo. However, we cannot visit inside as only the residents are allowed.

Pareehut Resort

The Front

Here is the restaurant.

We can only visit the zone they allowed like the front. This restaurant used to be the background of certain movie too, quite beautiful. The atmosphere is so great, let's take a walk and do some shooting before moving on, hehe.

The view is very beautiful.

The Pareehut Resort

The rooms at Pareehut Resort

8th Stop

Tham Pang Beach It is possibly the only beach that we can enjoy the sea and play in the water. Tham Pang Beach is located at the Atsadang Bay. It is the small beach with about 140 m. long.

Tham Pang Beach

Kayak Boat, one of the most popular activities here

Today the beach street chairs are free.

This chair service is free from Monday to Friday.

Jet ski is also available for rent.

At the beach, the beach street chair is available free of charge on the weekdays and it costs 10 THB each on the holidays. I think it's quite cheap. Restaurants, shower rooms are also available. Rubble rings, life jackets, snorkels, the fins, and the kayak boats are also provided. But I already bring my own snorkel and with this great weather, let's go enjoy our time ^__^

Snorkeling at Tham Pang Beach, Koh Sichang

Snorkeling at Tham Pang Beach, Koh Sichang

Snorkeling at Tham Pang Beach

I have to say that the water is quite clear. The black spot is on the right of the beach where there's a rock line with less corals but several fish. I see huge Cuttlefish, Puffer, and Damsel.

Now I'm tired from the water, let's continue to our next stop which is not too far from here.

9th Stop

Chakkapong Cape It is also located inside this Atsadang Bay. When looking from Tham Pang Beach, it is on the right hand side. It is another perfect place for sunset at Koh Sichang as well as fishing.

From Chakkapong Cape, we can see the Atsadang Bay, it is so beautiful.

Chakkapong Cape

Chakkapong Cape, Koh Sichang

Local people like to fishing at this cape.

At the end of the cape is also a popular place for pre-wedding shooting, very beautiful. After wandering a while longer, now we are moving onto our next destination.

10th Stop

Chong Khao Khad or Chong Itsariyaporn (Day 2) We already came here yesterday for sunset but with a limited time. So today we come again. Chong Khao Khad or Chong Itsariyaporn is similar to Phromthep Cave but smaller. It is another very popular viewpoint of Koh Sichang.

Chong Khao Khad

Chong Khao Khad, Koh Sichang

Vashiravut Bridge

In the past, here is the place that the King Rama V enjoyed the view. There's also a white bridge called Vashiravut Bridge stretching into the cape at Chong Khao Khad. We can continue walking on this bridge to the cape to enjoy the sunset. Let's go see it together.

In the evening, here is the place for fishing as the fish are a lot around here especially squid. May be I speak too much now, haha. Let's go enjoy the beautiful sunset views now.

After enjoying this beauty, it is dark and time to go back. Today I have a lot of fun and get to see and learn many new things. It really charges up my energy. And now, it's time to go back, let's go.

After the entire day of traveling, I'm now starving. So here, we have the Steamed Sea Bass with Lemon, so delicious.

Steamed Sea Bass with Lemon

When the stomach is full, it's the time for the bed, haha. So tomorrow we can continue our journey. Today we will have a great sleep as we are quite tired ^__^ zzZZ

Day 3

The fresh morning, haha. Today is our last day and last night I had a sweet dream. Now, let's go for breakfast.

The snack of Ovaltine and bread

Today Breakfast

Today we will go back but I still don't want to go yet. I feel so happy and relax here but well, we have our duty to do, haha. Let's come back again. Simply by walking and sightseeing around the resort, I already feel very happy that I can't even explain. Let's go to enjoy the view at the resort's viewpoint.

Just chill and enjoy the selfie time, haha

The Rooftop of Moroc Home Resort

We can see the entire view of Koh Sichang.

Now it's time to go to the pier. I want to catch the 11 a.m. ferry as I want to visit Koh Loy as well. Since I hurried to come to Koh Sichang and have yet visited there on my first day, I must visit on my way back. So then, let's check out and go to the pier.

And yes, we can directly ride our scooter to the pier and just leave the key there. The resort will go and ride it back later. This service of scooter rental is similar across the resorts and hotels on this island. We don't need to worry about the theft as everybody knows everyone on this island. I think this is a very great thing. Let's now go to the pier.

I don't know what this is, haha, because it's not open to public yet. It's located at the pier.

Taking the ferry back to Sriracha

Good Bye Koh Sichang

It takes approximately 45 minutes from Koh Sichang to Koh Loy Sriracha.

Koh Loy

Koh Loy is a small island and a pier to Koh Sichang. It also situates Wat Koh Loy and sea turtles. Before going back to Bangkok, let's go pray for blessings and free the sea turtles ^__^

Koy Loy, Sriracha

Koh Loy

The entrance to Wat Koh Loy

Wat Koh Loy

Pray respects at Wat Koh Loy

Guanyin, Bodhisattva

Koh Loy, Sriracha from Wat Koh Loy

There's many big sea turtles.

After the fun and full journey, it's time to go back Bangkok. We first need to find the tricycle to take us to the van stop in order to take one back to Bangkok. There's a lot of tricycle at the entrance to Koh Loy at the information building. It is about 30 THB from Koh Loy to the van station.

The Tricycle at Koh Loy

And now we arrive at the van stop.

The point for getting on the van

It is 100 THB each.

The Sriracha-Bangkok Van

And here it is, the beginning and the ending of our trip.

Now we have successfully ended our trip. We really got a lot of things from this travel regardless of where our destination is. "Life is like a journey. Destination does not make us stronger but the journey along the way."

Good Bye

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