*2,000 Bonus Points’ Terms and Conditions

Bonus Points are special points given by Readme if your blogs are created with Readme before other websites and conditional on our terms and conditions. It is our discretion to determine if your blogs are eligible to receive the Bonus Points or not. We have the right to deny if not following our terms and conditions.

This process may take 3-14 days after publishing on Readme.me

Terms & Conditions:
  1. our blogs will be eligible to get a special bonus of 2,000 points after Readme verifies if the blogs are newly created with Readme and must be at least 3 days before publishing with other websites.
  2. Eligible content should be useful information for readers in terms of creativity or useful guidelines of travel-related. Provide details about destinations, places, and tips. Any content that is written in a style of a personal diary or incomplete journey and lack of information will not be considered.
  3. Each blog should provide at least 10 photos including details of destinations or places for the sake of readers to use as a reference for their journeys.
  4. The content must be in the travel industry and travel-related information.
  5. Any event that is not relevant to the travel industry such as PR events, seminars, and small meet & greets events are not eligible. Any content that does not meet our standard requirements will not be considered. Our team reserves the right and it is our discretion to determine.
  6. You should receive the Bonus Points after publishing your blogs online within 3-14 days. If there is any delay later than 14 days, please do not hesitate to let us know by submitting your blog URL to our support team at:
  7. Readme reserves the right to change our terms and conditions without prior notice.